Hello. I am the Wee Scot Lass, or better known as Mary.
I have been sewing for more than 30 years.....
and Love it.
I was born in England, but recently discovered that I am more Scottish than English.
I have been offered the opportunity to show my talents and to do what I love the most
I am in the infancy stage of my new found vocation, but plan on adding more of my designs as time allows.
It is not feasible to carry a large selection of costumes pre-made as there are many
different sizes of people to consider. I find it better to make to order, and that ensures
the correct fit for each individual. I look forward to meeting you at one of the
Highland Games, and to outfit you in Period Costume would be my pleasure.
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New pictures added July 2001
Square Neck Dress / Pleated Dress Also Men's Vests
Black Velour Cape
White Cotton Cape
Men's Day Shirt
Men's Day Shirt
Long Sleeve Cotton Shirt
Waist Cincher
Also available
Petticoats $ 49.00 plus s/h
Chemise {long & short sleeved} $ 49.00 plus s/h,
Skirts $ 59.00 plus s/h
Womens blouse {{Shown with the waist cincher}} $ 39.00 plus s/h
Mens Vest
{{{ Other costumes and clothes I've made }}}
Festival and Games pictures, as well as a few friends..
To place an Order, Please e-mail or call.
I will let you know what I need in the way of measurement and time.
Garment will be started upon receipt of 50% of purchase price,
with the remainder due upon notification of completion,
or can be sent C.O.D..
{{Prices subject to change without notice}}
All jewelry shown in pictures courtesy of Marc Of Kent.
Pictures taken by Marc of Kent...... It's a new camera
Site created & maintained by...Cheryl
"A work in progress"
All complaints, concerns and/or bad things can be e-mailed to WeScotLass.....
All positive feed back, praise and pats on the back can be sent to me :o)~
If you are really bored and want to see my "15 minutes" of web space *click here*
You are the
person to visit my page.
Thank you